
When making an MMO you’ve got to do something that sets you apart from the others, that could be theme (fantasy, superhero), control (action-paced), or your graphics. Everyone wants to have “the best” graphics for their game, but I’m here to tell you why that might not be the best idea for your MMO.

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September 27, 2010 | Posted in: MMO Design | 3 Comments »


Man I could probably wax on for days about randomness, but I was up until 2am playing D&D and was woken up early by a boy who desperately wanted me to buy him some LittleBigPlanet DLC with his saved coins. Suffice it to say this week’s post will be brief.

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September 20, 2010 | Posted in: MMO Design | 3 Comments »


Yesterday my wife finally got rid of the dollhouse she had in her possession since she was a little girl. It was made by her dad for her and contained scraps of wallpaper and flooring from the house she grew up in. When I met her I had no idea she even possessed such an item, because it was stored in her parent’s garage. Once we moved in together, she had more room than her previous place and so her parents gave her the dollhouse. It’s been with us ever since.

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September 13, 2010 | Posted in: MMO Design | 9 Comments »