
This blog post is more for MMO designers than players, but I am sure everyone will have an opinion on the subject, and the subject this week is Killstealing.

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October 25, 2010 | Posted in: MMO Design | 5 Comments »

Of Mice and Gamers

Quick post this week, weekend got away from me.

I want to quickly talk about some of the tools that players will use to play MMO’s. For any MMO on the computer (PC or Mac), there is the luxury of a full sized keyboard. Over 100 keys with various Shift, Ctrl, Option, modifiers that can expand that to even more inputs. Console MMOs do not have that luxury and sometime try to cram all the functionality of a keyboard onto a controller.

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October 18, 2010 | Posted in: MMO Design | 7 Comments »

Social Gaming

Hardcore gamers have long railed against “Social Gaming” like Facebook games as something “their mom, or wife” plays. They want the nitty gritty MMO that has leveling, item acquisition, quests and missions, customization, and the ability to help out their friends if they need it. They mock the “-villes”, or anything by Zynga for that matter as time wasters of the highest orders of magnitude.

And they couldn’t be more off-base.

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October 4, 2010 | Posted in: MMO Design | 5 Comments »